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Paid Search (PPC) Overview

The last thing you bought – how did it happen?

Did you go to Google to research before clicking on the “buy” button?

If so, you’re not alone. According to a Google survey, 59% of shoppers surveyed say they used Google to research a purchase they planned to make in-store or online.

If you’re a business owner or if you’re responsible for marketing, your business needs to be presence when users are searching for your services.

Paid search can put your business on Google results immediately.

Why is paid search so awesome?

Immediate Visibility

Are your competitors outranking you? Are you a new business? Paid search puts you at the top of results, immediately.

Highly Targeted

Gone are the days of running traditional media, hoping your audience sees your ad. PPC puts your ad front and center in front of the right people.


Have a new messaging idea? No worries! With paid search, you have the option of updating budgeting, keywords, messaging and more and launching same-day.

Competitive Advantage

Paid search allows you to “play ball”. Our strategies can help you outrank competitors and direct traffic to your website.


Increase budgets during your busy months and decrease during slower months. Paid search allows you to fully manage budgets to match your digital strategy.


Know exactly what you’re getting from your ad spend! You will know how many views, clicks, and conversions you’re receiving from your ad spend.